
Our Happy Clients

What They Say?

An extremely insightful experience. I look forward to may more enlightening sessions.

Burhan Muhammad Azam Naseem

Burhan Muhammad Azam Naseem

HR & Admin Manager, Unipods LLC.

I liked your people-oriented approach!! The information and advises provided were super fruitful and helpful! Thank you Zeder Group team for this great initiative and support :)

Rayane Tarabah

Rayane Tarabah

People & Culture Officer, Right To Play International.

It is very inspiring to attend a webinar with the highly informative and inspiring HR leader Mr. Sadek and the team of Zeder OSM. I would definitely join more future discussions, noting that the attention given to SMEs by Zeder OSM is very valuable and defines a major need for us as entrepreneurs in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Hasan Karaky

Hasan Karaky

Karaky Printing Press, Managing Director.